The theme of Hunger Games is teens being sent to their deaths. But now with the sequel, we're beginning to see the rebellion. Is that exciting for you?

The theme of The Hunger Games is teens being sent to their deaths. But now with the sequel, we're beginning to see the rebellion. Is that exciting for you?
These teenagers are beginning to say, "We don't need to play this game. We won't play this game. We don't have to follow the rules." Even if a few people say those words, it's progress. What we see here is Katniss growing and changing with each film. She's really finding her voice—and she becomes the voice of the people who have been forced to send their children off to die. Do you worry as an actress about being forever identified with Katniss? I knew the deal. When I signed on to do The Hunger Games, we already had Harry Potter and Twilight. I knew what to expect to a certain extent. And if I'm going to be identified with a character for the rest of my life, it's fine. I love this character. [Photo via]
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