How do you come up with the names for your jewelry pieces?

How do you come up with the names for your jewelry pieces?
Ramona Lariat Well, when I finish a piece it takes on a whole different feel for me. It is no longer these inanimate objects sitting in a box. They have all come together to form something that is more alive. So, it feels like they have to have a name. You took all these pieces from all of these different boxes and you created something that has life to it. So I have to give it a name. And then, for me, I name them whatever is the first thing that I think of. I try to stick with women's names. But when I first began to design jewelry, I was naming pieces after books that I loved. Ramona, a woman's name, is also a wonderful story about a Native American Indian. I've only read around 500 books, and I will be making over thousands of pieces of jewelry so I started using women's names. Sometimes I choose a particular woman's name, because the piece might remind me of someone I know, or it just gives me a flavor. I had a necklace that I made once that made me think of somebody named Carmen because it was elaborate and it just had a warmth to it that wasn't Sally. She laughs. It needed to have a name that was a bit more exotic. Have to have the Ramona Lariat? Get it HERE, $110
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