Instagram and all of these blogging platforms have been so revolutionary in the fashion world over the past 10 years, it just seems like fashion really does embrace technology on its end. Do you have any ideas about the next big app? Maybe in a post-Instagram world, that the fashion world will embrace? Or are you still waiting to see what emerges?

Amy SongWell we’re so fortunate because we get to see so many things and yet we don’t see everything so I’m always very excited to see what’s next. I have to say, and not just because she’s a speaker, but we gave the business innovator award that we present with Fashion Group International to Amber Venz the founder of and Rewardstyle. They are monetizing the entire food chain and they have found a way to bring the best bloggers in the world together to create this platform where they’re driving revenue into retail, but also every time a product is sold from a blog that blogger also gets a fee. So I think it’s incredibly exciting actually and I love the way they’re thinking about it, I think that’s great. I also think Polyvore is doing a great job, have you seen it? [Photo via]
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