Slide #6

What’s been the most exciting part about being a fashion designer, and what’s been the most difficult?

Well, the hardest part and most exciting part are the shows. We prep for these shows for months in advance for only 10 minutes of a show, which can be very stressful but rewarding as well. Once we had our show at 9am and the presentation earlier than that so we had to be there at 5:30 am. We hadn’t slept in days and preparing for it was such a long process. Also, there are a bunch of things that end up happening at the last second-- the person who was dressing one model didn’t close her dress and we had to do it seconds before she got on the runway. Once our music wasn’t set until moments before the show which was very stressful because we care a lot about the music. Music is a big inspiration to us and we both DJ as well, so we spend a lot of time on it.

[Photo via]

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