How did you get connected with Black Cobain?

Can you introduce the members in Black Alley?
We signed with AlleyHouse Entertainment, and have 7 members. Kacey is the lead singer, Danny "The Animal" is on drums, Josh and Eric on bass and guitar, Mack and Hope on keyboards, and Beedy on percussion.
How did you get connected with Black Cobain?
Animal (drummer): "Board of Administration. They thought it would be really cool for us to collaborate and contacted Alley House. They knew he had a show coming up in NYC and wanted us to be a part of it." [Photo: Black Cobain via]
When you guys performed at Artists on the Verge at the New Music Seminar, what were your feelings like? How did you prepare?
Josh (bass): "We were really excited to do the show. Our manager told us Black Cobain wanted us and we had rehearsals with Black and it was just a cool experience." Check out a clip of Black Alley and Black Cobain's performance at AOV below!
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