Can you talk about New York as a character?

Can you talk about New York as a character?
Carson: Oh yeah! New York is ridiculous. I think a funny part of New York is celebrity. You are surrounded by 8 million people, but sometimes you can still feel alone and private. The difference between public and private time can be seen when you are on the subway and you can forget you’re on a train car with 180 strangers. Or, there can be a unifying moment where someone’s acting a fool on a subway car and everyone shares a laugh and glance. For that second, everyone is on the same page, and then it goes back to totally being nuts. Chris: I am also always impressed at what the ‘hotspot’ of New York is. So where I live right now [West Village] is the ‘it’ spot. Everyone’s always going to the five hot restaurants, and it will be like that for 4 months, and then move on to another section. So I’m always fascinated by what makes it popular, the attitudes of people and why they gravitate to those certain places. Carson: And seeing peoples parenting skills on display constantly, seeing couples have drunk crying fights on the streets. It’s touching but also kind of funny. Kristopher Knight: When we were location scouting last week and saw a grown man come out of a place, get incredibly sick and still take a phone call. I was like ‘where the hell do I live,’ and no one else is bothered about it. Carson: It’s like you're desensitized. [Chad White, Rusty Joiner, Nick Matthews, Carson Alexander, Chris Long]
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