What has "Same Difference" taught you so far?

What has "Same Difference" taught you so far?
Carson: Not to stand next to another dude when they are at a urinal! Nick Matthews: I think there’s a lot of truths they play off of in terms of what is socially acceptable and not acceptable. And I think what is relatable to people is that you think about these things. I was at work just the other day. There were 3 urinals, but the dude picks the middle one. I’m like ‘Why did you pick the middle one. 'cause now I’m obligated to stand next to you.’ Carson: I’m grateful to be at this point. This is the first day of shooting. We’ve put a lot of work into it and have a lot of wonderful people here, and hard work actually pays off. Who knows what’s going to happen when we’re done, but so far I’m having a blast. Chris: Interesting. He comes up with a lot of stuff that I’ve never thought about.| Carson: That’s why we make a good team. Kristopher Knight: Well I would even add that I think just being around these two and writing the show, I have relearned what it's like to gain a best friend. You make best friends when you're kids, not really adults. It's re-visiting the idea of what best friendship is and how it can become this black hole that affects everyone else around you, going through the emotions that make you enamored by each other, and making that your downfall. That was something really interesting to visit, and you see it so much in these two all the time. Chris: We’re a couple, a duo. We spend Thanksgiving together, went black Friday shopping. I’m executive producing his proposal. [Carson Alexander, Chris Long, Charlie Murphy]
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