Are there any cities or festivals that you want to go to?

Are there any cities or festivals that you want to go to? I guess I really want to try and see if we can discover China a little bit more. It seems to be a little bit closed off, especially because they're not on Twitter or Facebook. I really hope we can go to Weibo and see if Chinese people get into trance music. Have you played in China before? I've played a lot in Shanghai, Shinzin, Hangzhou. But I feel like we could really break grounds there, and really push for this sound to grow. Other than that, right now with social media, it feels like the world is one country and all the countries are becoming cities. Because it doesn't matter if I'm playing Kuala Lumpur or New York or Den Bosch; you still see the crowd going nuts. That's what it's all about. [Photo courtesy of Carl Scheffel]
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