Would you get pieces directly from the tribe?
Would you get pieces directly from the tribe?I used to, when I was younger. Now what's happening is that people don't trust art so much from the main continent, because it's filled with faking industry. Like a real piece of African art was made in a tribe, by the tribe, and it was made by a master carver. Post-1940, you don't really have that many master carvers who still exist. So I've learned to discern my taste. So I try to look for art that was made by these great carvers, kind of before colonialism, before all this stuff, when they were just in this tribe. They were possessed by the spirits, and they were carving, and there's a quality and power to that carving. I'm not so much in the adventure anymore. Before, I'd adventure and just find art if I was lucky, and I sold at all levels. Now, I only sell and try to find the best for people that will pay good money for it. [Photo via]