Why did you decide not to do too many events this season?

Why did you decide not to do too many events this season?
I haven’t seen home in over a month. I’m from Montreal, which is really close to here, but I went form Montreal to L.A., to Hong Kong, to Spain, to Austria, to Germany, back to Austria, back to L.A., then to New York. Then they said ‘OK, 15 more days in New York,’ and I said, ‘No, I gotta go home.’ I have to see my people so they remember my name, I have to pay rent before they kick my stuff out! So I was like, no you can’t kidnap me for that long. In less than two weeks I’m off to Austria again for a full month, about four weekends in four different cities, for the tattoo circuit. Then after that we’re off to Russia for a few DJ gigs. If I stayed here for Fashion Week, I would’ve been gone from home for more than two months, and I just wasn’t set up to be gone that long. [Photo via]
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