What has been one of the biggest challenges in growing a lifestyle blog and what advice would you give other bloggers that could aid in their success?

What has been one of the biggest challenges in growing a lifestyle blog and what advice would you give other bloggers that could aid in their success?
Julia DzaficNone of it is easy. When you first start out, it's really hard to gain a following. There are so many blogs out there, why would someone come to yours? The answer is authenticity, tons of original content, and really beautiful photography. Plus just push the shit out of it on social, with your friends, and everywhere you go. A friend of mine with a successful business once told me to just get my name in front of as many people as possible. Just make that happen, and I'll be golden. I've taken that advice and it's really helped! As far as advice, just don't give up. It's easy to just quit and stop blogging or take a break. People will continue to come to your site if they know you're updating regularly. I post 4-5 times/week every week no matter what.
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