Tip 1: Know your Restaurant's Cache

Tip 1: Know Your Restaurant's Cache
Me: Okay, first one is easy: first date. First date with someone that you’ve either only met once, briefly, or haven’t met at all. Lockhart: so back in the day when Ben and I would consider these scenarios, Ben taught me the short-sightedness of thinking in terms of a single date when it comes to restaurant/bar choice. It is all about plotting the three-to-six date arc Me: okay, explain? Lockhart: the choice of a first date restaurant only makes sense in comparison to your thoughts on where the second and third dates will inevitably go down The Standard Grill [Photo via] Ben: So, the point is that there needs to be a progression. You don’t want to start with Lafayette, if your second date plan is Locanda Verde. It just doesn’t really play that well. Me: sure, sure Ben: Or, even better, you don’t want to go to Lafayette if your Date Two plan is The Standard Grill. Because they’re basically the same restaurant shell. (A beautiful shell, obv.)
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