DON'T Post Your Actual Vaccination Card

While plenty of experts don't see the harm in sharing the fact that you got vaxxed, there is one thing just about everyone is advising against: posting a pic of that coveted vaccination record card. Consumer watchdogs like the Better Business Bureau and even the Federal Trade Commission warn people against sharing their card because of the personal information it displays. Your full name, date of birth, and vaccine specifics may leave you open to identity theft and attempted scams. 

"Think of it this way — identity theft works like a puzzle, made up of pieces of personal information. You don’t want to give identity thieves the pieces they need to finish the picture," the FTC said in an official blog post.

So stick to the bare arm Band-Aid pic, "I Got The Shot" sticker, or even the actual needle (eh, still questionable), but avoid sharing a close-up of your record card. 

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