The "Wellness" Gurus Who Clearly Think Covid Is Fake

Ah, willfully spreading misinformation about modern medicine and masks in order to sell your herbal supplements that "boost the immune system." How did you end up on my explore page?!"... stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
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. . đŸ‘‰đŸŒIf doctors made you healthy everybody would simply be walking around in the best shape and quality of life they could be in. For example, the fact that the USA is so advanced technologically and we have some come so far with the past leading causes of death being tied to sanitization and hygiene diagnoses such as septicemia and bacterial/viral infections; but now more so heart disease, cancer, diabetes, COPD, strokes and other lifestyle induced diseases or conditions. . . . đŸ‡ș🇾As it sits the US is ranked nearly 40th in the healthiest countries in the world. Yet we always think our doctors are the best and that they are the ones that are responsible for our health yet there is very little health to be found within the standard conventional healthcare system here. We need to realize that we are each the own author of our book of health or did-ease, and no words can be written without our hands putting the pen to the paper! . . . đŸ’đŸ»â€â™‚ïžOften as educators/doctors on this platform we are asked to explain ourselves on certain standpoints when really that is not the point we are here at all. The point is to teach people HOW TO THINK, NOT WHAT TO THINK. To give people the tools they need to be their ‘own best doctor’ like one of my favorite doctors always says. . . . ✹We are all cut from the same cloth and we all have the same ability and potential for health and dis-ease. However, it is the choices we make daily that will determine the outcome, and what information WE DECIDE to apply that will have the most weight in that result. Please do not rely on others information unless it makes sense to you. I say this all the time - all of the quotes you see, thoughts you read, memes you come across, every thought and notion has already been conjured up 100 times over. We are just reproducing which ever it was that resonates with us. It is OK to ask questions but never to demand answers. . . . đŸ™đŸŒAt any point and at any time anyone of us have the right to say no. That will forever be the most powerful word we will ever possess. Maybe that is why it is said the same in so many languages. I’m pro-choice for your choice.

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