Katie Sands, Honestly Kate

My annual Cookie Crawl. I started putting together what I call the "Kate's Cookie Crawl" when I realized it was the only way to get my friends to go on a hunt for the best NYC dessert. I have been a long time lover of Levain, but have been told over and over again to expand my horizons when it comes to dessert. Every year I pick an evening and invite all my friends and family to pick one place and we hop around the city to test them all.

For me, it's important during the holiday season, and every season (regardless if there’s a holiday involved), that we all share a little bit of what we have with those around us, especially those that need it most. As a social influencer in the fashion/beauty world, I do my best to get as many people with a digital platform as well as brands to work together for the holidays in giving back to women shelters around NYC by collecting extra product and clothing. A little from one person or brand goes a lot way to someone else. The holidays are not always a happy time for people, and it's important to recognize your own happiness and pay it forward.

[Photo via @honestlykate]

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