Make sleeping a ritual

Watching Netflix until you crash or taking a ton of Advil P.M. isn't the best way to fall asleep. They call it "beauty rest" for a reason, so you need to treat it as a ritual. An hour before bed, turn off all harsh lights and use candles instead. Lavender oil helps you sleep, so rub it on your temples and collarbone so it soothes you. Spray it on all of your pillows as well (bonus: you'll wake up with hair that smells good).

Chamomile tea is just as effective as Ambien. Ambien actually can mess up your sleeping patterns if you become too dependent on it and it also gives you the lamest, worst high possible. My music taste could not be more diametrically opposed to classical music, but I still listen to classical music before I fall asleep. It totally helps. Exfoliate and moisturize so you feel cleaner after a grueling day. 

Even make a point to take a nap during the day. I've done this at work and I know it's why my boss hates me (besides the fact that she hates that I make X rated jokes and take two lunch breaks). And I'm certain that's why she underpays me. I'm sure that she's gotten really upset with me falling asleep at work for some reason. I didn't mean to offend her by taking that nap. Steph, I'm sorry. For sleeping. I'm sorry, I really am sorry. 

But seriously? Oh. My. God. I napped. All she could say, "Hey you nap at work, and that's BAD." Ugh. Michael Jordan took naps. Abraham Lincoln took naps. And I'm underpaid and hated for napping. I DIDN'T MEAN TO NAP, STEPH. I'M SORRY. I'M SO SORRY.

[Editor's note: Millie is being dramatic.]

[Photo via @hollyweeed]

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