Practice kindness

New York is easily the least kind place in America. We're abundant with successful, hardworking people who have achieved amazing feats and we're basically the capital of the planet because we excel at everything, yet people here find it so difficult to be nice. 

Be personable with a barista at a café that you frequent. You're there almost every day yet know nothing about those people. They deal with catering to snappy folks all day, so they love it when you are friendly and chill. And it definitely will work in your favor when you can't afford a latte (hey, it happens), and they'll turn a blind eye to it and let you have one for free. This has been the case for me so many times.

Even make a point of talking to your Uber or cab drivers. People act like it's the worst thing ever and it's not. Usually when you're hitching a ride, you're on your way to interact with people what's wrong with one more interaction? They're chauffeurs all day to people who rarely make small talk, so would it hurt to engage them in some conversation?

Perfect example: I was thisfuckingclose to pulling an Elaine and pretending to be deaf so I wouldn't have to talk to my driver. We ended up getting into a 20 minute conversation about how he's an avid reader and wants to try writing, but is reticent to do so. I'm a writer, duh, and I was in his position at one point, so it was really gratifying to talk to him and give him pointers. It made both our days a little brighter. 

Just be fucking kind, okay? You should already be doing that anyway, though. 

[Photo via @hollyweeed]

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