Pull a George Costanza

George Costanza is probably the wisest man on the entire planet and the greatest New Yorker of all time. He is who I go to for all of my advice. Like I said before, I'm a hot bitch who is human garbage so this is SO on brand for me. Clearly, if you need to detox your life, you have been making some terrible decisions. The solution? Pull a Costanza and do the opposite. Fight the inclination to text back the guy you're dating who you're not really that into, you just like the free drinks and sex that isn't as terrible as shitty sex you had in college. Resist the pull of taking an Uber when you can just as easily take a subway. Do you idolize women like Malala Yousafzi and Janet Yellen? Worship and copy every move of Corinne Olympios instead. I did this and Corinne told me how great I am.

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