How Much Does It Cost To Freeze Your Eggs In NYC?

by Guest of A Guest · August 16, 2022

    Don't want to feel pressured to settle down with Mr. Right Now just because that biological clock is ticking? 

    Live your life girl!

    Egg freezing is the new botox - everyone's doing it. And yet somehow, the process is still totally shrouded in mystery, with many women confounded as to when you should aim to do it, what the retrieval process looks like, oh yeah, and how much it all costs!

    Lucky for you Haley Sacks of Mrs. Dow Jones sat down with Dr. Catha Fisher of Spring Fertility to chat all things egg freezing, and we certainly learned loads.

    According to Dr. Fisher, the cost of freezing eggs across New York City is likely to range between $10,000 and $17,000. But you've got to remember that number's not including medication. Some medications could be covered by your insurance, but on average, they'll cost you between $2,000 and $4,500. And just when you thought that was all the math you could handle, you'll still need to factor in an annual fee of around $1,000 to store your eggs. 

    True story, I once witnessed a friend ask another friend if they would be keeping their eggs in their own freezer. Like in their apartment. Like having your future children chill out next to your ice cream until the time is right.

    Scared to admit you kind of thought the same? 

    Watch below to answer all the questions you didn't even know you had.

    [Photo via Bonpoint]