Adena Geiger

Adena GeigerAdena Geiger - The Examiner Do you have any beauty secrets? Coconut oil on my face and hands, and I love to do a honey mask once in a while. I also just started using nordic beauty products. Do you worry about the ingredients in your beauty products? Yes! What are your food or dietary standbys? I cover a lot of nightlife events, so I tend to consume a good amount of booze. I try to drink green juice at least once a week and i have a Juicepresso at home, which I find super easy to clean and compact. I’ve gotten into parsley because it’s especially good during menstruation and it prevents anemia. I buy cage free eggs and am mostly pescetarian. What do you do for exercise? I used to do yoga until I hurt my knee recently. Now I’ve been riding my bike all over Greenpoint and Williamsburg, which is where I live. [Photo courtesy of Adena Geiger]
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