Therapy on a Stationary


I am unembarrassed to say that I cried during my first SoulCycle class. This could've been because I was coming off of a bad breakup, or that it was a Thursday at 5:00 pm and I would rather have been at Happy Hour, but when my instructor jumped up in the aisle shouting about riding for what you deserve in life - I felt it. You can feel it in the room that people are releasing their stress, checking their baggage at the door and letting the instructor's advice drive them. The instructors at Soul encourage every rider, both new and old, with the kind of support you wish your parents had given you growing up. They want you to be your best self, to want more for yourself, and to do that with SoulCycle. Riding at Soul is cathartic in a way I didn't know working out could it. SoulCycle, cheaper than therapy, but just as effective. 

[Photo via @jakemcohenn]

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