Teddy Bass

We all want to know how Cameron Diaz got her signature toned arms and her trainer of over 10 years, Teddy Bass, finally revealed the secret. A fitness and nutrition expert, Teddy is known for his fresh workouts that keep his clients constantly working and never bored. 

His advice? More muscle equals good, less muscle equals fat. He explains that while most women believe the best results will come from lighter weights and more reps, that's not actually the case. Heavier weights will build more muscle and the more muscle you build, the higher your metabolism, which means you'll be burning more calories. If you're not feeling the burn you're not sculpting. 

For Diaz, Bass created a strength training routine that included a mixture of cardio bursts such as plank pushups, tricep dips, and bicep curls in between sprints on the treadmill. For her arm workout you'll need an exercise mat, a bench and 5-8 lb dumbells. 

Do 12-15 reps of each move MAX, Bass stresses that if it's too easy don't add reps, add weight. 

  • Tricep Dips 
  • Bicep Curls 
  • Rotating Bicep Curls 
  • Hammer Curls 
  • Lateral-to-Front Dumbell Raise 
  • Reverse Fly 

If those all sound like a foreign language to you, like they did for me, check out this page, which explains how to actually complete each of the above workouts. 

[Photo via @teddybassfitness]

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