When did you first discover the power of a wellness-based lifestyle? What got you hooked?
My family raised me with principles of well-being instilled as a practice, not too dissimilar from a religious practice. Growing up in Colorado, we had organic milk and eggs delivered from the dairy farmer, shopped local farmers’ markets, and rejected the consumption of soda, candy, and sugared cereals, unlike most of my peers.
Although I was raised with a wellness-based lifestyle, what really got me hooked was science. Information on mindfulness and nutrition to not only better the human condition but also as a way to reverse disease. I was fascinated by the idea of control, that we are in control of our own destiny and our own happiness.
The practices of well-being, eating whole plant meals, practicing gratitude, and exercising our mind and body, empower us by releasing endorphins. The feeling of feeling good becomes the primary focus as we gravitate towards greater notions of good feelings and what becomes displeasurable we naturally gravitate away from. A wellness based lifestyle for me is about defining your own intention to better yourself and applying it to all aspects of one’s life.
[Photo by @one.studio.nyc]