4. Forcing yourself to eat or fast before a workout

Eating for your goals isn't as complicated as you might think. To lose weight, you need to eat less, to gain muscle you need to eat more, and to build your endurance you need to eat a specific breakdown of foods.

The jury is still out, however, on how effective meal timing is for your muscles. That said, it is generally encouraged to have a pre and post-workout meal of protein and carbs, depending on your specific goal. Fried noted that eating pre or post-workout is a personal decision that you will have to determine through trial and error, not based off of anything else besides how you feel.

"People should really experiment and figure out what works best for them," she said. "You might find that you love the energy that you get from a good meal beforehand or you might find that you like to roll out of bed have some water and come home to eat a huge meal [after], so it's sort of case by case."

[Photo via @fitgirlxtina]

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