10. Exhausting yourself every time you workout

Although some people spend too much time resting during their workout, others are programmed to "train until failure." Meaning they empty their tank by the end of the workout.

It's good to challenge yourself and push your body occasionally, but doing so every time with a high-intensity workout can lead to exhaustion and injury, according to Business Insider.

"I think that's a mistake a lot of people make: that if they aren't dripping in sweat, about to throw up, or literally a heap on the floor that it wasn't a good workout and that's not necessarily the case," Fried said.

She said that continually doing workouts that intense will be "hard" on your central nervous system resulting in fatigue, extreme muscle soreness, and an altered resting heart rate, according to Medical Daily.

Alternatively, Fried recommended spreading out your intense workout days and having set days dedicated to recovery.

[Photo via @nicolemehta]

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