Surprise Guests Salt 'n' Pepa Kick-Off Halloween Festivities Early At DGI Management Party

by MEGHANN MADIGAN · November 2, 2009

    GO HERE for more photos by JOHN CARTA and TAG YOURSELF and YOUR FRIENDS.

    Friday night, Yoni Goldberg of dGi Management got a head start on the Halloween fun by throwing a human fuel-filled costume bash at the Red Bull Loft Space in SoHo. Guests, included Mischa Barton, Brandon DavisDJ Cassidy, DJ Berrie, and a surprise performance by the highest grossing female rap group/duo of all time, the sensational Salt 'n' Pepa.  (We're serious, of all time -- we looked it up.)

    The Red Bull flowed like water, so the energy was high and dancing wasn't just confined to the dance floor. People also went all out with their costumes, as you can see from the photos below...

    DGI Management

    Salt 'n' Peppa

    DGI Management

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    DGI Management

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    DGI Management