"What's Justin Ross Lee (JRL) been up to?" I asked myself? Two seconds later I was on our #1 fameballer's Facebook page. And, as always, it didn't disappoint. Boom! Photos of Gwyneth Paltrow in flight from JFK-LAX snapped from JRL's phone. Check in on what else JRL's been up to below...
Well, it seems the fan mail is continuing to pour in for JRL:
He's also been in the philanthropic spirit. Helping out one brother after the other:
Of course, he's kept up dedicated party schedule hitting up:
The Tribeca Grand Hotel:
The Gansevoort:
And of course, 1Oak:
He's also had a guest (Misty Lee) come and pay a visit. And is quite a dapper host:
Until he tired the poor thing out:
After all of his crazy shenanigans, he went home to ma and pa for some a wholesome family Thanksgiving dinner at Maidstone in East Hampton. Wayne Diamond joined!
Well folks, I hope that has left you significantly caught up on JRL's adventures. The guy has his own category on gofg if you're interested in some more reading!