What has been one of the biggest changes you've seen in the way you run The L Magazine since it's inception?

What has been one of the biggest changes you've seen in the way you run The L Magazine since it's inception? The major difference is something that everyone in media feels - And that's the struggle of print. We are really proud that we are still putting ink on paper. And, personally, it's one of my favorite things I get to do. We publish in Ithaca, NY, and, man, if you ever have a chance to see a web press offset print operation in action, it's just glorious, the way it spitfires out folded signatures of newspaper like machine-gun fire. The biggest change has been our transition online. We launched without a website, and we've learned a lot as we develop content for an online readership. It's really exciting to watch it grow and develop. [Photo via]
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