Your latest novel, The Clasp, is judge-a-book-by-it's-cover gold. Any authors out there you fancy are killing it in the book cover department?

Thank you. Though I can't really take credit. Rodrigo Corral designed the hardcover, which ingeniously comes in three different colors. And "a funky/dirty toile vibe" was the extend of my suggestions for the stunning paperback, designed by Kelly Blair. The art itself is called "The Triumph of Nature Over Artifice" by Richard Saja. I really adore it. It's tough to cite covers that are "killing it," only because those books have already done well and that's why they're familiar and it's hard to take covers out of the past and separate them from the material they're covering. Or the sales or press they received. But ones that pop into my head I love are A Visit From The Good Squad, Oh, The Glory of it All, Swamplandia! and The Little Friend. It's a unique emotional experience, having a single image represent years of your work. Actually, I hear Jhumpa Lahiri is working on a little book about this exact thing. One wonders what the cover for a book on cover design will look like.

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