Who’s your clientele?

Who’s your clientele? Peter: “Friends and family of the neighborhood. We wanted to be careful that the place was interesting enough for the people that live and work and eat and drink here, but not so cool that their parents wouldn’t be comfortable here. They are definitely what we call ‘adventurous travelers.’ They may live in Oklahoma or Ohio or places that are less filled with culture but when they come and visit their kids, they want to see what they are doing. Also lots of adventuresome tourists – mostly European, new Zealand, Australian. They are people that have done Times Square, they’ve done downtown and Tribeca, and they want to now see what is going on in Brooklyn. And lastly there’s this group that’s exciting and unexpected, which is this creative corporate business that we knew there was a little bit of but we’ve been overwhelmed with how much there is here; businesses that work in Brooklyn and bring their people out here to stay."
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