Tell me about what you’re wearing

“So, coming into a hardwood floor if its 100 degrees outside, that’s kind of nice. But even if it’s 100 degrees it feels hot on your bare feet. Once the floor is running at 95 degrees, it suddenly becomes this soft luxurious material without all of the problems of what is generally luxurious material – which includes washing them and disinfecting them and keeping them clean and not letting them get trashed. The other hook is that it’s an incredibly efficient way to heat the building and the heat is really nice and not forced air.” Tell me about what you’re wearing. “The shoes are English but I don’t remember the brand, I bought them in a place on Smith Street awhile ago and they have been my everyday hotel shoes so they’ve seen a lot of construction, but now they’re just really coming into their own, and you know what, I think everything else is J. Crew which is a little weird. (laughs).”
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