How would you describe Zady, in your own words?
How would you describe Zady, in your own words?
Soraya Darabi: is a platform and brand for people who care about where their products come from. We are New Yorkers and we are women, so of course the products have to be stylish, first and foremost. We have beautiful goods from all around the world but we also tell the story behind where those items come from. We break it down even further with a map of the world called ‘Origins,’ that shows you specifically, for every product that you can buy on Zady, where that product was designed, where that product was manufactured, and where the raw materials from that item come from. So we’re really trying to cater to what we call the ‘conscious consumer,’ somebody who cares deeply about what they put onto their body in addition to what they put into their body. It should be said that a big part of Zady is about the cyclic nature of how products come to be. We tell you about the origins of all these beautiful items—womenswear, menswear, house and home, gifts—and then in addition we care very much about our sister nonprofit, The Bootstrap Project, which Maxine began while she was in law school.