Have you always been a healthy eater and green liver?

I grew up in northern California, and it’s pretty “granola” up there. We had smoothies and green juice before they were a “thing”. Or maybe I just didn’t know that they were a thing because it was all I knew… The three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle were ingrained in us as kids so much that it literally pains me when I see someone toss a glass bottle into a trash can or leave the water running while brushing their teeth. In college I ate like a typical kid on the loose – pizza and breadsticks probably comprised the bottom of my personal food pyramid. But when I graduated and moved to New York, my crappy diet started making me feel crappy, and I decided it was time for a change. I’m completely obsessed with food and I eat a lot – so I started learning ways that I could do so that made me feel good AFTER the meal is over too.
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