When you’re working on Paper, what do you want your readers to get out of it?

When you’re working on Paper, what do you want your readers to get out of it? Inspiration. One word. Just be inspired. I love to inspire people and I love to find inspirational people and turn other people on to inspiring people. That’s like my favorite thing to do. I scout for inspiring people who are a great talent and I hate mediocrity of any sort. So I’m kind of critical, but I love greatness, people who are excellent at what they do. Either their craft or their ideas or their art or their intellect, so I have a high bar. But I just love people who are great at what they do and are innovative. And speaking of inspiration, what keeps you inspired? People. In a way, Paper keeps me inspired because we have a very open-door policy where I have a lot of young people that work for me and I constantly have people coming through my office. All kinds of weird, interesting people come and sing in our kitchen – It’s called the “Kitchen Series,” so young people who have bands or whatever, they come and sing in our kitchen. And I just love meeting people, young kids, new kids, that are just fresh, that are just trying to figure out what they wanna do, and I love to have them. I’m good at looking at talent and zeroing in on greatness and helping them. I’m good at helping young people develop if they’re great. ‘Cause it’s confusing when they’re young. That’s what keeps me going. I love people. I’m a people person.
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