You lead a busy life. What are your tips on balancing motherhood with your personal life/career?

You lead a busy life. What are your tips on balancing motherhood with your personal life/career? It’s definitely not easy for any working mom! I’m lucky though because my personal and professional lives have actually become very intertwined. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many friends through founding Cricket’s Circle, but they don’t feel like “work friends” to me because we have so many similar interests and enjoy spending time with each other outside of work. When it comes to making time for my family, I try to avoid multi-tasking. I must admit I'm an A+ multi-tasker. However, I find when I can focus on Griffin and nothing else, I'm more relaxed and I enjoy my time with him so much more – and he's the most engaged. I try to devote a full hour or two in the morning or before bed to him and nothing else (sometimes I'll sneak an Instagram of him in there) and then it's 100% work or husband time.
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