There are tons of fitness trends and cult classes in New York. What makes the NW Method stand out?
I don’t want it to be boring, I don’t want to do anything that has been done or what other people are doing, and because I am like that, and I’m like that with my clients, I want to give everyone a new experience that doesn’t keep them bored. So, my brain works like that. Every time a client comes to work with me, it’s never the same experience twice, it’s always new. I have new scents, I use new lighting, new music, new movements, I tell stories and I connect all of that to what’s going on in the world. So a lot of my clients are like “Oh my God I never have any time I’m running from place to place,” “Should I leave my job or should I stay?” and I always incorporate wisdom into the movement to help them find the answer through working out.