Cooking With Laila Gohar
After meeting Laila and I began to brainstorm how we could express our shared love of art and all things beautiful and aesthetically pleasing while also celebrating the local and seasonal food we both love to use in our culinary creations. We decided to build off of Laila’s father’s rainbow rule of thumb and conceptualized a shoot that would encompass all the colors of the food spectrum. With beauty, color, and texture as our focus, we perused the market together on a snowy wintery afternoon collecting fruits and veggies according to both hue and season. Our afternoon of cooking revealed even more commonalities: turns out both our menus are often informed by a weakness for aesthetically pleasing ingredients—naturally we gave priority to beautifying and stylizing our food and then we cooked, we swooned, we laughed, we ate. And there you have it – Insta foodie friends for real now!