Paris Hilton's T-Shirt for Forever 21: Paris Hilton drew designed a t-shirt for Forever 21, and it's amazing for many resons.First of all, the overall composition a bizarre cross between Lisa Frank and Japanese Anime. The shirt boldly proclaims "I LOVE ANIMALS" across the chest, but the thing in the back left--surely that's not an animal, Paris? It looks like some kind of a woodland creature with a human face and wing-like ears. Also, for some reason, it's the only part of the picture that isn't colored in, as though Paris was sitting at her kitchen table coloring and then got...distracted.....
The best part of the shirt is the blond girl in the foreground. Is she an Everyman in a denim skirt, or perhaps a self-portrait of the artist herself? We don't know, but the expression on her face is priceless, as if someone had just accused her of being insincere or hyperbolic in her declaration, and she's like "No, you don't understand: I LOVE ANIMALS."
Do you LOVE this tshirt? It's only $12.50, and all proceeds go to the Starlight Foundation.