Natasha Przedborski, Editorial Intern

To Get: 

Easy-Bake Oven, $54.99: Hasbro
I never had one and have wanted one for years!

Sticky Coat, $1,991.50: Sandro
If it’s a gift from my parents, anything Sandro is highly appreciated. Just trying to look chic for my new adult life.

Anything kooky and somewhat useless
It will show your fun and spunky side! My boyfriend just got me a Tweety bird rattle and a metal lunchbox. The most random and useless the better! A girl can never have too much junk! It will also give you a bunch of stories to talk about with your friends, years later! 

To Give: 
Books! My favorites are Le Petit Prince and Neurocomics!
For the non-readers, they are aesthetically pleasing for any bookshelf or nightstand. If you do choose to crack them open, get ready for your life to change.

PussyWeed™ shirts
After founding my own company with two of my friends, expect to receive all the PussyWeed™ you can dream of!

Personalized Wooden Toy Bowling Game, $29: Etsy
Anything customized! I am addicted to customizing homewares for my friends. I once even got my friend an engraved vibrator...

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