Instagrammable Rainbow Lattes Have Arrived Just In Time For Pride

by Stephanie Maida · June 28, 2019

    World Pride weekend is upon us, so you're going to need all the energy you can get for the festivities. Thanks to chic British cafe, queensyard at Hudson Yards, you can taste the rainbow while getting your caffeine fix.

    Their new selection of colorful coffees, launched just in time for Pride, includes everything from a red rose latte, garnished with petals, to an exotic mix of berries resulting in a deep purple sip. Other flavors include blueberry, black raspberry, honey almond, and, of course, a vibrant green matcha in all its frothy glory. 

    Pick your color or try them all - and don't forget to 'gram.

    queensyard, 20 Hudson Yards, 4th Floor

    [Photos courtesy queensyard]