Trovata After Party A Raging Success, Thanks To A Little Help From Inocente Tequila

by KATE WINICK · February 18, 2009

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    Ways you can tell that the party you’re attending has a tequila sponsor as opposed to any other kind of liquor: it’s barely 10pm in the middle of winter in 2009 and a hedge funder has just showed you his nipple in exchange for a light outside The Anchor. Trovata had the Inocente Tequila Sunrises flowing last night at their afterparty, as well as SmartWater for the morning after, to the delight of the preppy party boys and girls who showed up to celebrate John Whitledge’s job well done earlier that day. Britt Bardo and Jewels Steger took a break from their celeb styling duties and their own clothing line, Rose, to come kiss their fellow Californian, while East Coast fashion folk like stylist Voltaire Gutierrez, fashion designer Carlos Campos, writer Mark Holcomb, and Subversive Jewelry designer Justin Giunta mixed with writers, editors, and partiers. Although DJ Sofie Fatale was hardly spinning country, that didn’t stop Kelly Pickler from getting down late into the night, and the good times kept rolling, even for the poor girl who got trapped in the bathroom—after all, where’s the party unless someone breaks down a few interior doors?