Kimberly Ovitz

Kimberly Ovitz
What’s the concept for this season? This season, I’m really interested in the human psyche so it’s about natural defense mechanisms. I took that further and studied animals and insects and looked at their innate protection systems. So, there’s going to be a lot of vivid color of like poisonous dart frogs that are kind of screaming, “Danger, don’t touch me or eat me,” kind of thing. Does that play into the hair and make-up? Yes, for sure. I wanted it to be kind of helmet like, like a protection. Do you have a favorite piece from the collection? I would have to say it’s this print, this kind of squid-ink print. It’s that super colorful print. Any muses for the collection or in general? In general, I’m obsessed with Lara Croft. [Photo via]
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