Forever 21 in trouble

1. Forever 21 just loves itself a good copyright-infringement lawsuit. Even though this is not the first time Forever 21 has tread these waters, it is surprising that after the backlash at Urban Outfitters's "Navajo" line that they still produced what they call "Navajo and Lace Hipster Panties." (Urban Outfitters removed all the items they had titled "Navajo" from their website after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from the Navajo Nation Department of Justice.) According to the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, it is illegal to call something "Navajo" (or any other Indian Tribe) if it isn't actually made by the Indian Tribe. We're guessing Forever 21 wanted the publicity, if not the possibly impending lawsuit. [NYMag]
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