Facebook Status Report Roundups And Twitterific Tweet

by Rachelle Hruska · March 27, 2009

    Anisha Lakhani is on a hot date with her DVR. 9 minutes ago


    @LevenRambin Katie Holmes told me i look cute as a goth. i guess she qoild know! pieces of April anyone? 20 minutes ago from mobile web

    Stephanie M Wei interview today: "u seem to know a lot about tumblr. do u know the people?" me: umm I guess u could say that... 2 hours ago

    @garyvee In Nebraska or close by? http://www.bigomaha.com/ this conference is gonna rock, would love to see u there :) anyone going? @garyvee me about 3 hours ago from web

    Jt White dont forget to watch me on JIMMY FALLON tonight you cool cats!! 3 hours ago


    More status updates below...

    @carney Would you rather look healthier than you feel or feel healthier than you look? about 4 hours ago from Tweetie


    @AdrienField Just found out that I am being flown to Austin, TX tomorrow to interview Carson Kressley for TMI Weekly. about 5 hours ago from web

    @jennydeluxe so true! Facebook activity stream = the digital equivalent of going shopping at Macy’s. EXHAUSTING. http://bit.ly/2vNnNH (via @FlightpathNY) about 5 hours ago from web

    Chris Brady is at Ultra Music festival in Miami going disco disco disco. 7 hours ago


    @caroliiine Mark my word, one of these days I will go over to Chelsea, sneak into the Google cafeteria during lunch, and yell "FOOD FIGHT!" about 8 hours ago from twhirl

    Peter Davis grew up on east 79th Street, where Larry Salander started his gallery/art Ponzi scam. More Made-offing and another VF expose. Who's next? 9 hours ago