Strippers, Cigars & Meatballs: Tombolo Debuts Their Sopranos Collection With A Tony-Approved Bash

by Madalyn Brandt · May 24, 2024

    Platters of mozzarella sticks and crusted cheese ravioli, sultry strippers clad in strappy leather (barely there) threads, gabagool, hand rolled cigars, and meatballs… 

    Lots of them.

    The Wednesday night scene at Mulberry Street Bar was nothing short of sexy and saucy and smoky as Tombolo and The Sopranos celebrated their sure-to-sell-out collaboration with a very on theme bash.

    As one would expect in this Mob Wife loving moment, guests more than leaned into the theme of the occasion, sporting dark eye makeup, chunky gold jewelry and, unsurprisingly, ALL the animal print. 

    In pursuit of a good time, and perhaps even more importantly good weather, the party spilled out onto the street and rolled on strong late into the night.

    Curious to see who wore what to this very Tony, very Staten Island banger?

    [Photos by BFA]