New York Premiere Of 'Great Directors'

by CATHY LEVETT · June 23, 2010

    Go HERE for more photos by Michelle Wild and tag yourself and your friends!

    Last night, people gathered at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) for the New York premiere of the film, 'Great Directors', directed by Angela Ismailos. This documentary depicts the lives of ten of the world's greatest, living directors: Bernardo Bertolucci, David Lynch, Stephen Frears, Agnes Varda, Ken Loach, Todd Haynes, Richard Linklater, John Sayles, Liliana Cavani and Catherine Breillat.


    The film shows the inspiration and creativity behind the work of these great directors. The audience is able to get a good grasp on the specific personalities of each director along with the history behind their creations. It is also shown how they overcame the great challenges thrown at them along the way.

    In my opinion, the best dressed woman was NY socialite Brook Christopher. She wore a beautiful yellow sundress with black and white flowers. It hit her at a great spot, accentuating her tiny waist. It was simple, but elegant at the same time. She definitely stood out with such a vibrant yellow color and I noticed that right away.

    Now maybe Brook can help Susan pick out an outfit for her next event (not that we have anything against dinner jackets with donkeys on them--they're fresh! We guess...)

    The movie hits theaters July 2.