Armory Arts Week At the Bowery Hotel, Global Ukelele Party, Paper Street Films Parties At CV

by Ailsa Forlenza · March 7, 2011

    Go HERE for more photos by Benjamin Gustafsson of Global Ukelele Day,

    Go HERE for more photos by Sunny Norton of Paper Street Film Opening At CV Lounge, and

    Go HERE for more photos of The Armory Arts Week at the Bowery Hotel, and don't forget to tag yourself and your friends!

    The Bowery Hotel was happening this weekend with the end of Armory Arts Week, and a celebration for Global Ukelele day. At the CV Lounge-guests sipped on Vision Vodka for the launch party of "Happythankyoumoreplease." Check out more photos from these parties below!

    A Celebration For Global Ukelele Day

    Go HERE for more photos by Benjamin Gustafsson, and tag yourself and your friends.

    In honor of Global Ukelele Day, Gregory de la Haba and the Beatles Complete on Ukelele presented ten special KALA designed ukeleles, which will be given to the most powerful and compelling people around the globe. Nominees included President Obama, Anne Hathaway (next to Obama, I think she might lose this one), Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Hawking, Maya Angelou, and Lady Gaga. Let's take a look at the hand-painted and sculpted guitars, ritual garb, and other party pics below.

    Armory Arts Week at the Bowery Hotel

    Go HERE for more photos, and tag yourself and your friends.

    Johnny Christ and Laura Cooper Brown invited guests to celebrate the end of Armory Arts Week upstairs at the Bowery Hotel.  Attendees mingled in the dark, flanked by several wall video projections. The grotto set-up of the hotel provided a calm, yet lively atmosphere.

    Paper Street Films Opening Weekend Party for "Happythankyoumoreplease"

    Go HERE for more photos by Sunny Norton, and tag yourself and your friends.

    The cast and crew of Paper Street Films celebrated the opening premiere for director, writer, and producer Josh Radnor's new film Happythankyoumoreplease at the CV Lounge last night. This film explores the tentative and quirky relationships of three young New York City couples, and the difficult decisions that failed writer Sam must work through.

    [Melissa Noak (far left) and friends]