Daily Style Phile: Supermodel Son Peter Brandt II

by Christina Makoyawo · May 13, 2011

    Blessed with his mother's superb looks, Peter Brandt II has been stirring up the media lately. You might be living under a rock if you didn't catch the oddly-posed photos of him enjoying the beach with his supermodel mother, Stephanie Seymour.  We think there's more to young Peter Brandt II than his motherly-misunderstanding.

    The photos had bits of Oedipal tendencies laced all over it but based on his recent response to the media, its not them, its us that have the problem.

    The Bio:

    Eldest son of supermodel Stephanie Seymour and Newsprint Billionaire Peter Brant I

    Attends Greenwich High School


    Art Collector

    Socialite and Model

    His Response to the Media: I would just like to say that these pictures have been taken completely out of context, my mother and i are very close as she is with all her children. she often hugs and kisses me and my siblings in an manner that is intimate, any mother in the world does the same. that day on the beach we walked around with each other completely aware of the presence of photographers there. We have nothing to hide and with that in mind I would like to say that I am openly gay. At my age my mother and I are almost like friends and I feel open to talk to her about anything (and yes our relationship may be different because of my sexuality).

    Seems like he isn't going to let society norms affect what's normal to him. In fact he and Stephanie returned to frolic on the beach in March. Yikes!

    Why We Should Stay Tuned:

    According to his Facebook fanpage, "Peter Brant II is a Designer, Art Collector, Socialite, and Model, and the eldest son of Supermodel Stephanie Seymour and Newsprint Billionare Peter Brant I." With all of these projects and "jobs", one wonders when he has the time to enjoy high school and correct the dirty mind of the media. He seems like he's balancing everything on his plate pretty well and in joyous fashion. Thanks to his pretty genetics (and he knows it), he'll always be one to watch no matter his antics. After gaining his 1000th fan on Facebook, he posted: "I knew this day would come...I would just like to thank myself for being conceited and fabulous". He's aware of his looks, the media and his own ridiculousness but at least he's stylish!