
Okay, this is technically not an Ivy, but it's where all the child prodigies go because they got rejected by Harvard, Princeton, or Yale because those schools decided to let people buy their way in. Stanford supersedes the Ivies in pretty much every aspect regardless. It's known as the happiest school in the country whereas a lot of Ivy League kids are miserable. It's top ranked for sports whereas most Ivy League teams just require two working legs and a PG year at a Founder's League boarding school to gain admission and be the starting forward or quarterback. And it's continually ranked as high, if not higher, than Ivies on literally every list imaginable. But it still does not boast the Ivy League title. You've invented an app, you made your first million before the age of 21, and you're verified on social media, yet it still rubs you the wrong way when someone has the audacity to be all, "Well, it's not an Ivy." Well, fuck you, dude! At least it's not USC. 

[Photo via @stanford]

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