Do figure out where you fit in.

Do figure out where you fit in. NYU can be pretty exclusive - but kinda needs to be since there is no sense of  overall community. It's like Germany where everyone identifies with their province, not the country.  It's very rare to see someone decked out in all NYU gear going to class, or hear students talk about the basketball game, or find anyone who is in any club or sorority. Therefore, you need to figure out who has those same particular interests as you just through conversation. It's not easy, but if you don't put yourself out there, it's easy to get socially lost at NYU. Are you an art fag? Film techie? DJ Nerd? Business school drunk? Gallatin hobo? Med school raver? Actress/model that is actually book smart? Figure it out. There's a lot of THIS going on at NYU - but you can sift through it and find who you really want to be. [Photo via]
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